Most of the time I lament the state of my imagination. It's alive and kicking. It's just not very interesting. Really, I can imagine the hell out of anything I've seen or heard, embellishing it until it fits the state of my life. However, I've never been able to make something whole out of nothing. It's like I only got half of the creative gene. Anyway most of the time it gets me down, but every once in a while it satisfies my every need.
When I have my iPod with me and playing something other than a book on tape, I like to imagine it is the soundtrack to my life. Whatever song is playing either reminds me of something or puts me in another mood. I walk faster, taller, and stronger when I listen to Pearl Jam or Soul Coughing. My best writing is done to the Bach Cello Concertos played by Pablo Casals. You get the idea. I assume this is what everyone does with their iPod.
Sometimes a song will play that is actually from a soundtrack of either a television show or movie. I remember the scene, the moment, whatever happened at that time. When I really want to kick some ass, or I just need some good energy, I play "Super Bon Bon." Suddenly I am Frank Pembleton kick in the doors of strip clubs hunting down Steve Buscemi. By the time the song is over and/or I've made it to class I'm ready to face the energy-sucking life force of 22 19 year olds. Just after Christmas I purchased some new music and my current kick-ass song is "Girlfriend" by Matthew Sweet. I didn't ever have the album or anything, but I love the song. It makes me remember being 19 and living in Bellingham (the good parts anyway.)
The other song in heavy rotation is "Beautiful Way" by Beck. The H:LOTS folks used it a couple of times. The last time I remember was in the movie, just before Timmy blows up the entire world. Don't worry that wasn't a spoiler, but if you've seen the movie you know what I mean. When I walk down the hall listening to "ooooh, it's a beautiful way to break your heart" Tim and Frank walk with me. I'm invincible. It's pretty cool, even if I do borrow the characters from somewhere else. It helps me get through the long days in the prison of my cubicle.
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