10 March 2009


<-If you remember, way back in September we had a lot of water damage. After much wrangling with contractors, insurance companies, and my stroke workers finally came to fix the house. Today they took down all the texture from the kitchen ceiling and fixed the damage underneath. Tomorrow they will spray texture on the ceilings and paint the kitchen and the bathroom. Paint. You need to plan for paint, right? Not me. I have tonight to pick a paint color for the upstairs bathroom. We've already decided to use the Khakhi color from our bedroom for the kitchen. It's a nice light, neutral color that will go well with the cabinets and the kitchen table.

Here you can see the Carolina Blue that is currently in the kitchen.
Remember the cleaning project. Here are some of the pictures. Really, we are not that messy, it's just a back up of laundry I piled up on the bed to sort.

If you can look beyond the laundry you'll see the light color we'll have put in the kitchen.
Here's what I accomplished.

We do have a nice comforter to put in the room. It's currently at the dry cleaners. The blanket you see here is the first comforter I ever picked out for my room. I think I was 16 at the time. We both love it.
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