Natasha Richardson's story is a sad one and it hits close to home. My stroke, while not of the bleeding variety, is one that can happen after a brain injury. In fact, one of the things all the doctors wanted to know was if I'd had any recent trauma to my head or neck.
If you've been around here long, you know that making light of my stroke is one way that I deal with it all. Since I spend a lot of time joking about it all it is easy to forget the seriousness of it all. Stories like that of Natasha Richardson remind me of my own brush with death.
It's hard to explain, but I wasn't in pain. I didn't see a white light. When I was most sick, I was concerned about everyone else. I didn't know I'd had a stroke until the DH told me. (And he says he had to tell me many times.) So while the DH and CP had to deal with the fact that I was nearly dead; I didn't have to deal with that fact. It is especially weird to think about all of this when I have recovered so well.
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16 hours ago