23 March 2009

Grading? Who needs grading?

I'm using the in-laws visit as a way to postpone the inevitable. I didn't grade anything this weekend. You know, the dread of grading isn't any less when you only have 12 things to grade. I should have this done in two hours, but of course the less items to grade, the more I feel like I should "spend time" on each one. This is not an assignment I'd like to spend time on.

My mailbox contained some lovely surprises for me this morning. Dr. Belle left the latest version of my prospectus with her comments. I haven't looked at them, but I swear you can read my printing anymore there are so many comments. One of my office mates even glanced at the first page and said, "Oh my gosh!" Then she tried to tell me so many comments were good. Ha!
I just cannot bring myself to look at them. Avoiding the prospectus will probably be the only thing to get me to grade stuff.

I wish, wish, wish I could cancel class today. Alas, I can't do that. We are on a tight schedule now that the semester is almost over. Speaking of ending the semester, I need to spend some time planning my summer class. I've never done a 5 week, 2 hrs a day course before.

Okay, I'm pretty much done whining now.
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