12 February 2009

The Road to Hell

First things first...you try confining a puppy for 10 days. Yeah. It's only day one and I am going insane.

Secondly, I just sent a brief email to the Department of Education. I am not sure that was the appropriate place to address my concern, but it is a place to start.

I think we need a "Teach for America" type student loan forgiveness program for university faculty. Colleges and Universities could sign up for the program and graduate students would agree to teach somewhere as an adjunct for so many years. The Colleges and Universities would save money by not hiring full-time employees (I know that could be bad. Maybe there could be some deal about the replacement hiring having to be tenure-track.) We could have our student loans cut back or forgive AND in the process the money we would have given student loans would go back into the community through grocery shopping, etc.

Really, I think it is a brilliant plan. Since the government/bank has already loaned the money, it has already spent that money and wouldn't really be losing anything. Hmm...I'm sure there is some capitalistic reason not to do it.
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