I've been asked to clarify the State of the Department situation. Basically it went like this, "We have to make cutbacks because the chancellor told us. The only place we can really do that is in the funding for 5th years and lecturers." No problem unless you are a 5th year TA like me.
As a result I've been trying to find jobs. I even joined Monster and applied for an Adjunct position. I have some pretty strong opinions about never working Adjunct. Yes, it provides jobs, but it feed a pretty lame system. The problem is I wasn't planning on going on the market this year...and, I'm really not ready to do it.
On another front Wednesay's with Sunday went well. We had a nice lunch and I tried to get my friend caught up on departmental gossip...eventhough, I don't know anything. It's not that I don't like having lunch with this person. It's just the way/reason for the lunch. As someone else said, "It sucks to be everyone else's wake up call." But...at least I got a better dissertation idea out of the deal.
Democracy Awakening discussion...
1 day ago