19 November 2008

The Ambien Experience...

I think I was out 5minutes after I seriously started to go to sleep. I've taken the stuff before and luckily I don't sleep walk /drive. I must be excited about my haircut today. Actually, in spite of the highlight fiasco. I think I may ask for a cut and color. I'm have a box of color at home; I'm just lazy. I am leaning toward something like this. Luckily, I can use Alyssa Milano as a test subject for hair styles. We have the same face shape and similar coloring. Lately, she's been going a little shorter than I feel com fortable, but I kind of like this look on her.

I had to get up to go to the bathroom and couldn't get back to sleep, so here I am. I may actually take a picture today. Something I've haven't done in years. What's the worst that could happen, I could end up looking like Irina Spalko, in the Indiana Jones film.

In other news, I signed up for some therapy yesterday, so hopefully you all won't have to hear about it. I'm going to try and keep writing every day, but if I'm not whining about something, I'm not sure what i'll have to say.

In other news, part of the reason I'm up is my throat hurts. I just drank a bottle of EmergenC, so that should help. They shot me so full of flu shots and pneumonia shots in the hospital that I really haven't been that concerned about catching something, but I do go sit in a waiting room full of coughing students once a week.

I bought new slipper yesterday...finally I found a good pair. How do I know? Well, they fit my feet and the DH stole them already. Seriously, someone needs to get me a new fluffy bathrobe and some deer foams. The DH keeps smoking in my robe. I don't want it back. I just want a new one.
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