- It's impossible to walk two dogs at once.
- Moshe is all legs. It makes him gonky like a teenage boy.
- Is there a way to save BYRadio shows to my ipod?
- If I am home all the time, why is the house such a mess? Really.
- Why can't I write what I'm supposed to?
- I want money to open a drive-through coffee stand. (I know the perfect spot.)
- I read all day yesterday and still feel like I could put the book down at any moment.
- In my head I've cast myself and Noah Wylie. Watching the ER finale made me remember how cute he is.
- I need a themed-day, but I don't know what yet. You know, like Wordless Wednesday or something, but no pictures- at least no pictures of me.
- My own professionalism or lack thereof.
- What do I really believe about my little corner of this profession? How would I articulate myself to search committees?
Democracy Awakening discussion...
16 hours ago