Apparently it's raining outside. I wouldn't know. I've been in this building since 9:00am. Sure, it had started to rain by then, but it was definitely hanging around. It's too bad I don't have a window, because I could enjoy a day like this.
First, what was I thinking?! I assigned a book that is too hard for my students, which means now I have to teach it. Yuck. Plus, I think many of the 12 students took my advice not to buy the book in the first week as advice to not buy the book ever. Now they are all up in arms becuase the bookstore doesn't have the book anymore. Oh yeah, I am looking forward to pulling teeth this afternoon.
Second, there is a meeting today about grading. I should be there to find out what the new DC is thinking, but I just can't handle it. I got a copy of the pretty circles representing all of our grades and that was enough to make me vomit in my throat.
Trust me, I am not a fan of grade inflation. It kind of irritates me that the grade were so high my courses from last semester. But, really, what were my surrogatres supposed to do? "Hey, I'm not your teacher, but I'm going to fail you anyway." Nope, they did what they could with what they had and I'm grateful for that.
There are just other issues surrounding this meeting that bother me. They bother me greatly. Also, I've said it before and I'll say it agian. I am no longer doing ANYTHING for this department, even if it's just attending meetings that are not mandatory.
On a more positive note, I did write a little today. I just had to stop when I found myself typing the word "miscreant." It's not that the word didn't fit; it was just the pomposity of it all.
Democracy Awakening discussion...
16 hours ago