24 March 2009


Here's the deal. Helo was not my favorite BSG character, although I'm glad he lived. Sure he had his moments, but eh, which was my reaction to the whole BSG cast. I tried explaining that to everyone else....I did not watch BSG for the eye candy.

There are actually plenty of other shows I watch for eye candy and then I am just disappointed when I realize that all the men I'm attracted to remind me of the DH in some way. It's a sickness...trust me.

What I'm trying to explain is that when I say I developed a cruch on Tahmoh Penikett last night. It's true. It was a sudden inexplicable thing. Honestly, most of the time, I think he looks a little stunned. However, there was something about his fight scene with Echo that changed everything for me. Wait, wait, wait...before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, I was not turned on by the image of him hitting a girl, I was turned on by the way he would stride back into the fight. It was weird. There were just two or three fleeting seconds when he would turn and wade back into the brawl that just worked for me. Okay, and it did help that he spent a lot of the episode shirtless.
I cannot deny the power of the arms. I like arms.

Anyway, much like I fell into lust with Tahmoh. Poor guy, I'm sure he is the perfect active for many women. The show clicked for me last week. For the first time, there was something more to it all than the "Let's see who Echo is this week" aspect of all the other shows. I may not agree with every choice, but now I am interested in the characters and how each of them will be manipulated throughout this story. Before, I was just hanging in there for Reed Diamond, who was my least favorite H:Lots cast member.
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