...is finally over.
Planning orientation is just one of the responsibilities of the AD position, but it's probably the biggest. It's been an interesting ride putting this all together. There have been a few bumps in the road, but overall it went pretty well.
No one who has been around me for the last week would believe I'm about to say this, but...I almost wish that this was a two-year appointment so I could do it again. But, the thing is, now that I've done it, I know what needs to be done. Sure I can pass on information to the next AD to help them next year, but until you've been through it, it's kind of inconceivable.
About the bumps.
The largest bump really had nothing to do with me; and, there is nothing left to do about it except suffer through it.
The smaller bump I wish I would have anticipated. As we worked through the week to discuss ways to use their assigned texts, we neglected an important aspect of orientation. We didn't really give them a clear statement about our departmental philosophy. In a way it was inevitable. With a new Director and changes in the works, our departmental philosophy is shifting. I did my best to re-iterate the things that I think are essential and will remain the same. the new TAs should understand the heart of our program. It's just the message could have been clearer and stronger. The Director and I already discussed some of this. I just wish there would have been time to figure out the changes before the new TAs began. There was just no way for the new Director to know all of that before this year.
I may have asked for all of this taking on the AD position in such a transitional period. All I can say is that I definitely deserver more money for this.
Amused whilst grading...
4 hours ago