It's been incredibly hard to get back to work this week. By back to work, I mean back to grading. I took a hiatus just before orals, but now my grading jail is looking pretty formidable. It is of course just the tip of the iceberg of "Things I Have to Do." And, as usual, because I have so many "Things I Have to Do" I am rapidly developing a list of "Things I Want to Do." The bad part of this process is that I usually fill the "TIWTD" list with items that are actually productive. They just aren't what needs to be done at this moment.
It doesn't help that I bought a new planner at Staples last night, which means all I really want to do is fill it with stuff. It's a 2008-2009 academic planner. Why do I need an extra planner when I love my QPB Calendar of Days? Well, during my hiatus from posting, I did this crazy thing and applied for an administrative position for next year. It is a position designed for a graduate student, but has quite a few responsibilities--hence, the need for its own planner. Next year the position has the potential to be even more responsibility because it is an "Assistant To" position and the person holding that position next year is brand new to our University. Changes will be made, feathers will be ruffled, and I will get to be in the middle of it all.
The thing is, I really wanted this position this year. It is a position that always looks good on a CV, but the ability to discuss being a part of this transition in an interview will also be very beneficial. The word from those, who have held this position in the past, and are currently on The Market is that everyone wants to know about this position. They feel like this position got them interviews.
Oh, I wont' be on the market for a while yet, but it is good to know I will look good on paper when I get there.
Amused whilst grading...
4 hours ago