I'm not promising intellectual substance, but in an effort to get back in the habit, I will at least provide pictures.
It's been gray and rainy here for about four days. My tolerance for this kind of weather isn't what it once was. The good part is that in spite of the lackluster weather, spring is definitely here. Here are some photos to prove it.
This is a view of the tree from the backyard. Since we moved here in July, I'd never seen it bloom before. It is stunning to say the least.
I'm not exactly sure why I have this urge to take pictures of everything, but I've been toting my camera around more often lately.
Oh, here's one last sign of spring. I'm sure as home owners we should not be encouraging this activity, but I like it. I cant' wait to see what happens. I don't know what kind it is, but I'm assuming this is a male building a nest to attract a female. It's all I can do to keep from checking for eggs.