I don't know if I've mentioned it here or not, but the DH and I have been sharing a car all summer. It's partly an effort to save a little gas money, but also because his car is not in the best of shape.
It's the other reason I've often been stuck at home.
One benefit of having just one car is that I get to hone my skills at planning the most efficient sequence of accomplishing errands. It does my little Virgo heart good when I can make the first stop on my list the farthest from home and then work my way back. It makes both the DH and I really happy when we can use one car without having to do too many drop-offs and pick-ups.
Putting the finishing touches on the new teaching assistant orientation has required me to spend most of my time this week on campus. This hasn't led to the most efficient drop-off/pick-up schedule. So, for today I purposefully planned NOT to go to campus, because the DH had to work and there would be less running around if I didn't have to go to campus. Now...I actually have quite a bit to left to do on campus, but I figured not going there today would be okay because I could spend all day tomorrow there. I would go to campus around 8:ish do all my office chores, walk down the hall to my 10am meeting, then spend the afternoon running errands on campus while I waited for books to arrive.** After the books arrived I would head home and the DH could go to work.
It was a pretty damned good plan, if I do say so myself. As you can probably guess, that is not how my day is going to work. Nope. How do you thoroughly destroy such a beautiful plan? Move the 10am meeting to 11am and hold it off campus as opposed to just down the hall. Oh...and it's not just off campus, it's the equivalent of all the way home.
It wouldn't be so bad except that I really do have enough stuff to do that I need to go to campus before the meeting...and, because I have to wait for the books, I have to return to campus after the meeting. yeah. There goes my well planned day.
**Don't get me started on why I need to wait for the books. Just don't.
Amused whilst grading...
3 hours ago