That paper on Stoppard is still due...tomorrow; and I'm still working on it. It should be okay as long as I don't break any typing fingers between now and then.
However there are bigger problems in my academic universe. Dr. Snarky just announced her resignation. She is moving on to greener pastures. If I were further along in this comps/dissertation process it wouldn't be a problem. She'd be able to stay on my committees (which she's already said she'd be willing to do). Unfortunately I haven't even turned in my paperwork yet. Now I have to find someone else who does what she does. That person doesn't exist here. There are maybe two possibilities. One is another professor in the department, who tangentially does similar things, but very tangentially. The other is a new professor in another department. The problem is, I haven't worked with either of these people.
There is a tentative plan to work with the professor from the other department over the summer, but who knows if/how that will turn out.
Ultimately, this is good for Dr. Snarky. She might not be labeled that way at a different university. This is also definitely a move up as far as name recognition goes. It just sucks for me. We've worked pretty closely together, and I'll miss her.
Amused whilst grading...
1 day ago