Moving into the end of the semester it’s time to start thinking about paper topics. In fact I should be working on a 10 page mid-term paper that is due to Dr. Chat by Thursday. However, I’m also trying to get a proposal ready for Dr. Snarky for the same day. Dr. Snarky’s proposal is going to double as a conference proposal as well, which is making it difficult. Dr. S will be fine with the situation. I’m just making it difficult. The conference is one that I would consider a major conference in my field. The CFP for this year should be perfect for me. It is exactly my area. For some reason I’m just blanking on it. Coming up with an angle relevant to my own work to write about an obtuse Tom Stoppard trilogy was definitely easier.
At least with the Stoppard there was an artifact to examine. The problem here is coming up with that artifact. There are a few ideas floating around in my head, but they seem too much like things I’ve already done. I don’t necessarily want to spend the rest of my life writing about television and/or political campaigns. Well, actually, maybe I do. I guess I’d just like to know I can write about other things too. So, the questions I need to answer to figure all this out for myself --- What is Civic Discourse? What do I want to say about it?
Amused whilst grading...
21 hours ago