Sunday morning at the coffee shop.
The benefit of going to a coffee shop with free wireless is that when you get stuck writing one paper, you can always start researching another.
The hazard of going to a coffee shop with free wireless is that you can procrastinate by reading other blogs/posting on your own instead of doing much needed work.
Paper Status -
Dr. Snarky - In early production. I'm writing about a tv show I love; however, Dr. S hates what I initially set out to do. How do I know she hates it? It was amply demonstrated in class after I read the opening paragraph to my paper. The good part is that I have another approach that I think I like better anyway. It allows me to ditch the lame tv show I was comparing and focus on the fabulous tv show. Due - May 5th
Dr. Chat - Ideas are floating around for adding to the mid-term draft of the paper, but I haven't sat down to really work on the expansion yet. However, I feel pretty good about the ability to expand this paper. Due - April 27th or May???
Dr. Ancient - He accepted my change of paper topic. So, now I have a plan that will maintain the ostensible focus of the class AND incorporate his own language from lecture. I need to spend some time researching/working on this. Due - Draft for Presentation April 26th - Final Draft May 9th (I think).
8 hours ago