I'm back again. At least this time I have a valid excuse for my absence. This blog might take a less academic approach for a little while, mostly because I am not currently active in academia. On October 4th, I had a stroke. Don't worry I am okay. In fact, if I am well rested and sitting down even I don't know, but I don't have to work for a while. If I had to I think I could get back to work tomorrow, but I'm really glad I don't have to go back until January.
The DH is all freaked out and finding me babysitters eventhough the 24 hour watch has been lifted. I think he is a little nervous I'll fall or something. He and the CP have been great through it all. Well, everyone has been great, but they went above and beyond to take care of me.
Yesterday I made my first appearance at the department. It was weird. Everyone hugged me and commented on the Cane Cozy. Yes, I still have to use a cane when I go out and Yes, I made it a Cane Cozy. There are pictures eslewhere. I need to get some more Yarn and make a more sparkly one.
Now I just have to decide whether or not to do the dissertation.
When they get it...
7 hours ago